Your Burning Desire in Midlife

I would wager any midlife woman reading this would agree that a burning desire to live their best self is an overarching value in their life. In fact, this is the time in their lives when women begin to heed their inner wisdom and say, "What about me?" Your time as a physically involved caregiver is winding down and you have a newfound mental space that allows you to begin to feel those stirrings of discontent and restlessness.

Unfortunately, you might be stuck in the roles you've created for yourself, the expectations you can't seem to break free of. If you are, do you still feel the push for more?

For most women who begin to have a burning desire to walk a new path, her internal whisper beckons, encouraging her to explore aspects of herself that have been hidden during all those years of caring for others and focusing on their needs. She is preparing to have a remake of herself, but might be afraid of what the consequences of that could mean for the loved ones around her-- a partner, husband, children, even friends or parents.

Caring for others and pursuing unexplored personal passions are not necessarily mutually exclusive choices, but our culture makes them seem so, always supporting the former at the expense of the latter. -- Christiane Northrup

In addition to the relationship changes that we experience as our children grow and leave the nest, and our parents age, and our friendships mature, our hormones are also changing. The changes in our body from the recalibration of our hormones can be surprising and hard to adapt to, but adapt we must. However, hormonal changes also affect our mood, our thoughts, our clarity, and our ability to focus. We might even struggle to explain them to ourselves, much less those around us. All we know that we feel this urge inside to rerelease ourselves into a deep place of self-discovery.

All these changes mean we are reevaluating our relationships, our careers, and our health. We want to simplify our lifestyles so that we can live in self-acceptance and freedom. To turn our attention more towards awakening and creating to deliver a much-needed message of health, hope, and healing to the world.

Midlife is a time for soul-searching, self-awareness, and creating the next chapter in the story of your life. It's about engaging in life fully, embracing the unknown, and having the courage to discover your bliss. --Sandra Watson

I've been working towards a deeper understanding that life and all the expectations I had for my life are unfolding in new ways. I had always envisioned myself married to the same man for life, the two of us growing old together. But for me, the issue was larger than where and with whom I would grow old. My whisper got louder, coming from deep within my spirit, that said, “trust or die” Those were my choices. I chose to trust.

If you feel stuck, I encourage that you trust you are not alone, wherever you are in your remake. Your burning desire is there for a reason. Listen to the whisper and know that you are paving the way for others by believing wholeheartedly you are a woman with no limitations.

Kindly Your’s,


Co-host @ Women on the Remake

Holistic Health Coach & Yoga Teacher

Additional Resources

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Divorce, a cross-country move and a resolve to evolve.


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