My Story

My journey towards change started around 2014 when I felt unfulfilled and discontent with my life and the work I had been doing for eleven years. It looked as though I had it all on the surface, but what I needed was to find my real purpose and to come face to face with my past which held me in discontentment.

Through many years of learning, and personal experiences I have come to a place of understanding what living truth means. It took years of yoga practice, and applying practical holistic tools in Eastern medicine, while always rising to my higher power for guidance before making significant life changes.

I consider myself always evolving and remaking my life to embrace new transitions. After my move to New Mexico in 2022, I have opened up a new life here in a breathtaking landscape that I never thought I would find so captivating.

Living the principles of yoga and the seasonal habits of Ayurveda has taught me to trust my inner wisdom and let nature guide me on my path. Through my own healing, my mission became clear to help women live healthier, heart-centered, and more courageous lives.


  • Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with The Institute of Integrative Health

  • Certified Ashtanga Yoga Teacher

  • Certified Restorative Teacher Training

  • Educator in Body Thrive based in Ayurveda w/Cate Stillman

  • Ongoing yoga therapy hours in meditation, anatomy, and pranayama.

  • Women’s Centered Coaching Certificate w/ Dr. Claire Zammit